Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So A Year Ago I Started This Blog

I was actually film editing, but we can pretend I'm blogging,  right? 
A year ago, I skipped my pre-calc, physiology, and British history for a day (I was homeschooled, and I doubled up the next day, no worries), spend too long on designing a format, and eventually clicked "Publish Blog."

Since then I have written 116 posts, garnered 30k page views, gone to college, hosted three blog hops, filmed a few vlogs and took a long break to finish a novel and to direct a college-themed Princess Bride parody, and have hopefully helped my readers in some way with their writing journey.

This year's most popular posts:

1. Need More Femininity

2. Why Boromir is the Most Underrated Lord of the Rings Character 

3. 25 Things Only Writers Will Understand 

4. The Rise of the Dude in Distress 

I'd love to hear from you which posts from me were your favorite. It helps me shape future output.

That aside, some goals for this year include more book reviews, more vlogs that feature fellow writers I've met here at Geneva, and a massive recommended literature list for homeschooling families (though non-homeschoolers are more than welcome to it!) with a guide to content and reading level, organized by age group from preschool to high school.

Now I want to thank all of you, my readers, for helping me make this blog take off and for following my posts! You are the best and I can't wait to see what happens in this next year!

1 comment:

  1. I really loved "25 Things Only a Writer Will Understand" because it was hilarious and so relatable :-) The "Dude in Distress" post was another one of my favorites because it made me think harder about writing realistic characters--both male and female--and avoiding stereotypes.
